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J Educ Community Health. 2022;9(1): 60-68. doi: 10.34172/jech.2022.10

Original Article

The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior in Pregnant Women and Individuals Affecting Their Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Controlled Trial

Vahid Rahmanian 1 ORCID, Vahid Kohpeima Jahromi 1 ORCID, Fatemeh Rastgoo 1 ORCID, Foroogh Najafi 1 ORCID, Nader Sharifi 2 * ORCID

Cited by CrossRef: 0

1- Kelly P, Sidhu A, Sajja A, Majeethia D, Dodge E, Aboul-Enein B. Breastfeeding interventions and programs conducted in the Islamic Republic of Iran: a scoping review. 2025;40(1) [Crossref]